==================================== t2126 ===================================== 36 : No information. Ag : BBC14 replaced at 20:48 and 04:54 due to unlock. Bd : Participated in Russion Intensive (16:43-17:30). K1 : Tracking problems missing over 15% of scans and many late on sources. Kg : S-band very weak. Probably no fringes. Ny : Lost communication with antenna (23:59-05:41). Tracking problems. Observed with warm receiver (After 22:30). Sm : No emails or log. Sv : Participated in Russian Intensive (16:43-17:26). Ur : Did not participate. Antenna problems. Zc : Participated in Russian Intensive (16:43-17:26). No problems found for : Ht, Ke, Kv, Nt, Oh, Wz, Yg ================================ t2126ag START ================================= 2018-07-03 18:25:55 T2126 started at AGGO AGGO started T2126 as scheduled. Weather: daylight, overcast with a few blue parts in it. We had just 30 minutes to switch over from R1849 to T2126. T2126 started from everything powerdown, as we are using now 2 generators instead of 1 (condition of R1849). We running FS 9.11.19 for T2126. We modified t2126.skd for our downconversion setup using 7680.0 MHz resp. 1620.0 MHz. PLEASE correct catalogs for future scheduling. I also noticed the missing DOMES and CDP-number for AGGO-VLBI. DOMES: 41596S002 CDP: 7641 for the VLBI rotation axis intersection Best regards. Saludos. Hayo -- Dr. Hayo Hase _________________________________________ G5/Depto. Geodesia Oficina Federal de Cartografía y Geodesia de Alemania (BKG) Proyecto AGGO, Casilla de Correo 153, 1894 Villa Elisa, Argentina fono: +54 221 644 3203 anexo 101 mailto:hayo.hase@bkg.bund.de ================================= t2126ag STOP ================================= 2018-07-04 18:26:48 t2126, AGGO stop-message AGGO finished t2126 as scheduled. We run at 2 generators. FS version 9.11.19. No scans lost. BBC14 showed twice an unlock. The first time it was replaced by a spare BBC. The second time it recovered by itself. Weather conditions: overcast, clearing up at night, overcast - no rain, low temperatures, no wind Data will be e-transfered. Best regards. Saludos. Hayo -- Dr. Hayo Hase _________________________________________ G5/Depto. Geodesia Oficina Federal de Cartografía y Geodesia de Alemania (BKG) Proyecto AGGO, Casilla de Correo 153, 1894 Villa Elisa, Argentina fono: +54 221 644 3203 anexo 101 mailto:hayo.hase@bkg.bund.de ================================ t2126bd READY ================================= 2018-07-03 17:26:24 t2126 Badary, Ready-message Session t2126 Ready message for Badary. Mark5B+ recorder. GPS-FMOUT: 0.607.2 microseconds. Wx: Temperature (C):19; Pressure (mBar):904; Humdity (%):57 Sky conditions: cloudy State of cryogenic system: on (cold) Pointing values: SEFD RCP/LCP Source Az/El Offset1 Offset2 325/218 dr21 75/45 -0.00392 -0.02135 Tsys (RCP/LCP): 33/55 Operator Nekrasova ================================ t2126bd START ================================= 2018-07-03 17:46:58 t2126 Badary, Start-message Badary started t2126 session as scheduled at 184/17:30:00 UTC. First source 1546+027 Operator Nekrasova ================================= t2126bd STOP ================================= 2018-07-04 16:43:42 t2126 Badary, Stop-message Badary ends t2126 observing 238 Are skipped scans 185-1643 to 185-1726b because of preschedule end on session Ri Session were recorded on module IAAC+016/8000 Operators Slepkova, Nekrasova, Mihaleva ================================ t2126ht READY ================================= 2018-07-03 17:32:10 t2126, Hart15M, Ready-message Session t2126 ready message for Hart15M. ---------------------------------------- Comments: Hart15M is ready for experiment T2126 Data will be e-shipped to Bonn First source: 1546+027 at 17:30:00 UT FMOUT-GPS: 13.38 microseconds Wx: Temperature (C): 4.4 Pressure (mBar): 874.0 Humidity (%): 38.1 Sky Conditions: clear sky Cable difference is: na Pointing values: na Tsys (x1/s/x2): 34.2/44.8/28.7 ================================ t2126ht START ================================= 2018-07-03 17:38:14 t2126, Hart15M, Autostart-message Session t2126 auto-start message for Hart15M. --------------------------------------------- Started recording with source: 1213-172 at 184.17:38:14 UT ================================= t2126ht STOP ================================= 2018-07-04 17:35:40 t2126, Hart15M, Stop-message Session t2126 stop message for Hart15M. --------------------------------------- Comments: Hart15M has completed T2126. All scans recorded. Weather conditions were clear initially, then partly cloudy from the middle through to the end. Data will be e-shipped to Bon.. Disk Inventory: A 0, B 0, C 0, D 0, E 0, F 0, G 3, H 0, (other larger) 2 Observation finished at: 17:28:00 UT ================================ t2126k1 READY ================================= 2018-07-04 02:56:10 t2126, Kashima11, Koganei11, Ready and start message Dear colleagues, Kashima11 and Koganei11 were ready for t2126 session and I was able to confirm the schedule started with first source 0059+581. GPS-formatter clock offset is 11.8 us for Kashima11 at 184.12:59:59 UT. GPS-maser clock offset must be close to 0 us for Koganei11 Because its 1 pps comes from GPS. The weather were cloudy for Kashima and Koganei. Temp: 23.7 C, Pressure: 1006.1 hPa, Humid: 92.0 % for Kashima11 on 184.13:00 UT. Temp: 26.5 C, Pressure: 998.2 hPa, Humid: 72.0 % for Koganei11 on 184.13:03 UT . Pointing values are as follows: Kashim11 SEFD(Jy) X/S Source Az/El Az off/El off Tsys(X/S) 5915/1411 Cygnus-A 68/51 0.00074/0.0025 125/52 SEFD of S-band Kashima11 is too good. I attached Kashima11 fs9 log for reference. 2018.184.12:45:38.94#onoff#SIG u5 0.0026 0.38 172.9 123.770 0.03 2018.184.12:45:38.94#onoff#SIG u6 2.4335 299.2 1625.0 614.273 0.15 2018.184.12:45:38.94#onoff# source Az El De I P Center Comp Tsys SEFD Tcal(j) Tcal(r) 2018.184.12:45:38.94#onoff#VAL cygnusa 67.9 53.4 u5 5 r 8480.00 0.9906 124.9 5915.9 4527.18 0.97 2018.184.12:45:38.94#onoff#VAL cygnusa 67.9 53.4 u6 6 r 2300.00 0.0490 167.7 1411.9 420.789 0.11 2018.184.12:45:38.94#onoff# source Az El De I P Center Comp Tsys SEFD Tcal(j) Tcal(r) Koganei11 SEFD(Jy) X/S Source Az/El Az off/El off Tsys(X/S) 6288/3922 Cygnus-A 67/51 -0.0091/0.01733 104/73 I attached Kogananei11 fs9 log for reference. 2018.184.12:45:57.12#onoff#SIG u5 0.0469 1.35 3081.4 3249.37 0.77 2018.184.12:45:57.12#onoff#SIG u6 0.0046 0.54 89.2 91.148 0.02 2018.184.12:45:57.12#onoff# source Az El De I P Center Comp Tsys SEFD Tcal(j) Tcal(r) 2018.184.12:45:57.12#onoff#VAL cygnusa 67.4 52.4 u5 5 r 8400.00 0.9676 103.6 6288.4 6674.67 1.58 2018.184.12:45:57.12#onoff#VAL cygnusa 67.4 52.4 u6 6 r 2300.00 0.9385 73.75 3922.1 5477.66 1.07 2018.184.12:45:57.12#onoff# source Az El De I P Center Comp Tsys SEFD Tcal(j) Tcal(r) Best regards, KAWAI, Eiji Kashima Space Technology Center ================================ t2126k1 START ================================= 2018-07-04 02:56:10 t2126, Kashima11, Koganei11, Ready and start message Dear colleagues, Kashima11 and Koganei11 were ready for t2126 session and I was able to confirm the schedule started with first source 0059+581. GPS-formatter clock offset is 11.8 us for Kashima11 at 184.12:59:59 UT. GPS-maser clock offset must be close to 0 us for Koganei11 Because its 1 pps comes from GPS. The weather were cloudy for Kashima and Koganei. Temp: 23.7 C, Pressure: 1006.1 hPa, Humid: 92.0 % for Kashima11 on 184.13:00 UT. Temp: 26.5 C, Pressure: 998.2 hPa, Humid: 72.0 % for Koganei11 on 184.13:03 UT . Pointing values are as follows: Kashim11 SEFD(Jy) X/S Source Az/El Az off/El off Tsys(X/S) 5915/1411 Cygnus-A 68/51 0.00074/0.0025 125/52 SEFD of S-band Kashima11 is too good. I attached Kashima11 fs9 log for reference. 2018.184.12:45:38.94#onoff#SIG u5 0.0026 0.38 172.9 123.770 0.03 2018.184.12:45:38.94#onoff#SIG u6 2.4335 299.2 1625.0 614.273 0.15 2018.184.12:45:38.94#onoff# source Az El De I P Center Comp Tsys SEFD Tcal(j) Tcal(r) 2018.184.12:45:38.94#onoff#VAL cygnusa 67.9 53.4 u5 5 r 8480.00 0.9906 124.9 5915.9 4527.18 0.97 2018.184.12:45:38.94#onoff#VAL cygnusa 67.9 53.4 u6 6 r 2300.00 0.0490 167.7 1411.9 420.789 0.11 2018.184.12:45:38.94#onoff# source Az El De I P Center Comp Tsys SEFD Tcal(j) Tcal(r) Koganei11 SEFD(Jy) X/S Source Az/El Az off/El off Tsys(X/S) 6288/3922 Cygnus-A 67/51 -0.0091/0.01733 104/73 I attached Kogananei11 fs9 log for reference. 2018.184.12:45:57.12#onoff#SIG u5 0.0469 1.35 3081.4 3249.37 0.77 2018.184.12:45:57.12#onoff#SIG u6 0.0046 0.54 89.2 91.148 0.02 2018.184.12:45:57.12#onoff# source Az El De I P Center Comp Tsys SEFD Tcal(j) Tcal(r) 2018.184.12:45:57.12#onoff#VAL cygnusa 67.4 52.4 u5 5 r 8400.00 0.9676 103.6 6288.4 6674.67 1.58 2018.184.12:45:57.12#onoff#VAL cygnusa 67.4 52.4 u6 6 r 2300.00 0.9385 73.75 3922.1 5477.66 1.07 2018.184.12:45:57.12#onoff# source Az El De I P Center Comp Tsys SEFD Tcal(j) Tcal(r) Best regards, KAWAI, Eiji Kashima Space Technology Center ================================= t2126k1 STOP ================================= 2018-07-05 04:43:41 t2126, Kashima11, Koganei11, Stop message Dear Colleagues, We have completed all observations of t2126 session at Kashima11 and Koganei11 with one known problem. Maybe Koganei11 S-band is no fringe of weak due to unknown reason. GPS-formatter clock offset is 11.9 us for Kashima11. GPS-maser clock offset must be close to 0 us for Koganei11 Because its 1 pps comes from GPS. The weather of Kashima and Koganei were cloudy or rain. The observation log files were uploaded to the server, depot.cddis.eosdis.nasa.gov. Best regards, KAWAI, Eiji Kashima Space Technology Center ================================= t2126ke WIKI ================================= 2018-07-03 19:16:00 t2126 Katherine 12m Disk VSN: NOT -0001/960 | Data volume at beginning: 0.00 GB 17:30 UT: Experiment started OK (mas) ================================ t2126kg READY ================================= 2018-07-04 02:56:10 t2126, Kashima11, Koganei11, Ready and start message Dear colleagues, Kashima11 and Koganei11 were ready for t2126 session and I was able to confirm the schedule started with first source 0059+581. GPS-formatter clock offset is 11.8 us for Kashima11 at 184.12:59:59 UT. GPS-maser clock offset must be close to 0 us for Koganei11 Because its 1 pps comes from GPS. The weather were cloudy for Kashima and Koganei. Temp: 23.7 C, Pressure: 1006.1 hPa, Humid: 92.0 % for Kashima11 on 184.13:00 UT. Temp: 26.5 C, Pressure: 998.2 hPa, Humid: 72.0 % for Koganei11 on 184.13:03 UT . Pointing values are as follows: Kashim11 SEFD(Jy) X/S Source Az/El Az off/El off Tsys(X/S) 5915/1411 Cygnus-A 68/51 0.00074/0.0025 125/52 SEFD of S-band Kashima11 is too good. I attached Kashima11 fs9 log for reference. 2018.184.12:45:38.94#onoff#SIG u5 0.0026 0.38 172.9 123.770 0.03 2018.184.12:45:38.94#onoff#SIG u6 2.4335 299.2 1625.0 614.273 0.15 2018.184.12:45:38.94#onoff# source Az El De I P Center Comp Tsys SEFD Tcal(j) Tcal(r) 2018.184.12:45:38.94#onoff#VAL cygnusa 67.9 53.4 u5 5 r 8480.00 0.9906 124.9 5915.9 4527.18 0.97 2018.184.12:45:38.94#onoff#VAL cygnusa 67.9 53.4 u6 6 r 2300.00 0.0490 167.7 1411.9 420.789 0.11 2018.184.12:45:38.94#onoff# source Az El De I P Center Comp Tsys SEFD Tcal(j) Tcal(r) Koganei11 SEFD(Jy) X/S Source Az/El Az off/El off Tsys(X/S) 6288/3922 Cygnus-A 67/51 -0.0091/0.01733 104/73 I attached Kogananei11 fs9 log for reference. 2018.184.12:45:57.12#onoff#SIG u5 0.0469 1.35 3081.4 3249.37 0.77 2018.184.12:45:57.12#onoff#SIG u6 0.0046 0.54 89.2 91.148 0.02 2018.184.12:45:57.12#onoff# source Az El De I P Center Comp Tsys SEFD Tcal(j) Tcal(r) 2018.184.12:45:57.12#onoff#VAL cygnusa 67.4 52.4 u5 5 r 8400.00 0.9676 103.6 6288.4 6674.67 1.58 2018.184.12:45:57.12#onoff#VAL cygnusa 67.4 52.4 u6 6 r 2300.00 0.9385 73.75 3922.1 5477.66 1.07 2018.184.12:45:57.12#onoff# source Az El De I P Center Comp Tsys SEFD Tcal(j) Tcal(r) Best regards, KAWAI, Eiji Kashima Space Technology Center ================================ t2126kg START ================================= 2018-07-04 02:56:10 t2126, Kashima11, Koganei11, Ready and start message Dear colleagues, Kashima11 and Koganei11 were ready for t2126 session and I was able to confirm the schedule started with first source 0059+581. GPS-formatter clock offset is 11.8 us for Kashima11 at 184.12:59:59 UT. GPS-maser clock offset must be close to 0 us for Koganei11 Because its 1 pps comes from GPS. The weather were cloudy for Kashima and Koganei. Temp: 23.7 C, Pressure: 1006.1 hPa, Humid: 92.0 % for Kashima11 on 184.13:00 UT. Temp: 26.5 C, Pressure: 998.2 hPa, Humid: 72.0 % for Koganei11 on 184.13:03 UT . Pointing values are as follows: Kashim11 SEFD(Jy) X/S Source Az/El Az off/El off Tsys(X/S) 5915/1411 Cygnus-A 68/51 0.00074/0.0025 125/52 SEFD of S-band Kashima11 is too good. I attached Kashima11 fs9 log for reference. 2018.184.12:45:38.94#onoff#SIG u5 0.0026 0.38 172.9 123.770 0.03 2018.184.12:45:38.94#onoff#SIG u6 2.4335 299.2 1625.0 614.273 0.15 2018.184.12:45:38.94#onoff# source Az El De I P Center Comp Tsys SEFD Tcal(j) Tcal(r) 2018.184.12:45:38.94#onoff#VAL cygnusa 67.9 53.4 u5 5 r 8480.00 0.9906 124.9 5915.9 4527.18 0.97 2018.184.12:45:38.94#onoff#VAL cygnusa 67.9 53.4 u6 6 r 2300.00 0.0490 167.7 1411.9 420.789 0.11 2018.184.12:45:38.94#onoff# source Az El De I P Center Comp Tsys SEFD Tcal(j) Tcal(r) Koganei11 SEFD(Jy) X/S Source Az/El Az off/El off Tsys(X/S) 6288/3922 Cygnus-A 67/51 -0.0091/0.01733 104/73 I attached Kogananei11 fs9 log for reference. 2018.184.12:45:57.12#onoff#SIG u5 0.0469 1.35 3081.4 3249.37 0.77 2018.184.12:45:57.12#onoff#SIG u6 0.0046 0.54 89.2 91.148 0.02 2018.184.12:45:57.12#onoff# source Az El De I P Center Comp Tsys SEFD Tcal(j) Tcal(r) 2018.184.12:45:57.12#onoff#VAL cygnusa 67.4 52.4 u5 5 r 8400.00 0.9676 103.6 6288.4 6674.67 1.58 2018.184.12:45:57.12#onoff#VAL cygnusa 67.4 52.4 u6 6 r 2300.00 0.9385 73.75 3922.1 5477.66 1.07 2018.184.12:45:57.12#onoff# source Az El De I P Center Comp Tsys SEFD Tcal(j) Tcal(r) Best regards, KAWAI, Eiji Kashima Space Technology Center ================================= t2126kg STOP ================================= 2018-07-05 04:43:41 t2126, Kashima11, Koganei11, Stop message Dear Colleagues, We have completed all observations of t2126 session at Kashima11 and Koganei11 with one known problem. Maybe Koganei11 S-band is no fringe of weak due to unknown reason. GPS-formatter clock offset is 11.9 us for Kashima11. GPS-maser clock offset must be close to 0 us for Koganei11 Because its 1 pps comes from GPS. The weather of Kashima and Koganei were cloudy or rain. The observation log files were uploaded to the server, depot.cddis.eosdis.nasa.gov. Best regards, KAWAI, Eiji Kashima Space Technology Center ================================ t2126kv READY ================================= 2018-07-04 06:09:04 t2126, Sejong, Ready-message FMOUT-GPS: -26.6 usec Wx: Temperature (C) 29.5 Pressure (hPa) 986.5 Humidity (%) 76.5 ================================ t2126kv START ================================= 2018-07-04 06:09:35 t2126 Sejong, Start-message Session t2126 start-message for Sejong(Kv) ================================= t2126kv STOP ================================= 2018-07-05 02:09:59 t2126,Sejong,Stop-message comment: ================================ t2126ma START ================================= 2018-07-04 06:32:02 Matera did not start T2126 Matera did not start T2126 due to encoder azimuth failure. Regards, Pino [e-GEOS S.p.A.] Giuseppe Colucci Operational Programs Contrada Terlecchie - 75100 Matera - Italy Ph: +39 0835 377 574 | Fax: +39 06 4099-9941 giuseppe.colucci@e-geos.it e-GEOS.it -WARNING: This message contains confidential and/or proprietary information which may be subject to privilege or immunity and which is intended for the use of its addressee only. Should you receive this message in error, you are kindly requested to inform the sender and to definitively remove it from any paper or electronic format. Any other use of this e-mail is strictly forbidden. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. ================================ t2126nt READY ================================= 2018-07-03 16:30:56 T2126, Noto, Ready-message Session T2126 ready message for Noto. ------------------------------------- Comments: no First source: 1546+027 at 17:30 UT GPS-FMOUT: 56.29 microseconds Wx: Temperature (C): 25 Pressure (mBar): 1090 Humidity (%): 60 Sky Conditions: clear sky Cable difference is: longer cable makes the reading larger by 0 microseconds and is nominal Pointing values: SEFD X/S Source Az/El Offset1 Offset2 13000/1000 3C84 294/46 0.005 -0.007 Tsys (x1/s/x2): 185/150/0 ================================ t2126nt START ================================= 2018-07-03 17:30:09 t2126, Noto, Start-message Session t2126 start message for Noto. ------------------------------------- Started recording with source: 1546+027 at: 17:30:00 UT ================================ t2126ny READY ================================= 2018-07-03 17:19:17 t2126, Ny-Alesund, Ready-message Session t2126 ready message for Ny-Alesund. ------------------------------------------- First source: 1546+027 at 17:30:00 UT GPS-FMOUT: 171.23 microseconds Wx: Temperature (C): 6 Pressure (mBar): 1010.4 Humidity (%): 83.5 Sky Conditions: Clear sky Cable difference is: longer cable makes the reading larger by 681.9 microseconds and is nominal Pointing values: SEFD X/S Source Az/El Offset1 Offset2 1256/1593 casa 15/48 -0.0136 0.218 Tsys (IFA/IFB/IFC): 60/57/53 ================================ t2126ny START ================================= 2018-07-03 17:30:00 t2126, Ny-Alesund, Autostart-message Session t2126 auto-start message for Ny-Alesund. ------------------------------------------------ Started recording with source: 1546+027 at 184.17:30:00 UT ================================= t2126ny STOP ================================= 2018-07-04 17:38:01 t2126, Ny-Alesund, Stop-message Session t2126 stop message for Ny-Alesund. ------------------------------------------ Comments: Some issues with sensors - some scans might be bad. Receiver heated up at 22:30 - wasn't possible to cool it down during the session. Disk Inventory: A 0, B 0, C 0, D 10, E 0, F 0, G 0, H 0, (other larger) 10 Observation finished at: 17:30:00 UT ================================ t2126oh START ================================= 2018-07-03 23:34:56 t2126, O'Higgins (Oh), Start-message Session t2126 start message for O'Higgins (Oh) ----------------------------------------------------------- Start time 2018.184.17:30 UT with source=0727-115. ----------------------------------------------------------- Best regards, O'Higgins VLBI team ================================= t2126oh STOP ================================= 2018-07-04 17:36:53 t2126, O'Higgins (Oh), Stop-message Session t2126 stop message for O'Higgins (Oh) ----------------------------------------------------------- Stop time 2018.185.17:23:20 UT from source=1149-084 ----------------------------------------------------------- Best regards, O'Higgins VLBI team ================================ t2126sv READY ================================= 2018-07-03 17:28:53 T2126. Svetloe, Ready-message Session t2126 Ready message for Svetloe. ----------------------------------------------------------- Mark5B+ recorder. GPS-FMOUT: +0.5738 microseconds. Wx: Temperature (C): 18.7; Pressure(mBar): 1000.6; Humidity(%): 54.2 Sky conditions: cloudy Pointing values: SEFD  X/S      Source     Az/El         Offset1      Offset2       258/ --      VirgoA     160/40      0.00111     0.00323 Tsys (X/S): 34/41. Operator Andreeva. -- Best regards, operator vlbi(Svetloe). mailto: oper.sv@iaaras.ru ================================ t2126sv START ================================= 2018-07-03 17:35:11 T2126. Svetloe, Start-message Session  t2126 start-message for Svetloe. -------------------------------------------------- Svetloe started t2126 session as schedule at 184/17:30:00 UT. First source 1546+027 Mark5B+ recorder. Operator Andreeva. -- Best regards, operator vlbi(Svetloe). mailto: oper.sv@iaaras.ru ================================= t2126sv STOP ================================= 2018-07-04 16:52:13 t2126, Svetloe. Stop- message Session t2126 Stop-message for Svetloe. ---------------------------------------- Svetloe ends t2126  observing 252. Scans from 185-1643 to 185-1726b missed due to participation in ri2418. Module IPA-0021/2000/1024. Operator Shumilova. -- Best regards, operator vlbi(Svetloe). mailto: oper.sv@iaaras.ru ================================ t2126wz START ================================= 2018-07-03 17:11:49 t2126, Wettzell (wz), Start-message Wettzell (wz) started t2126 at scheduled time. First source 1546+027 at 17:30 UT dUT (EFOS18;REF) = 4.023 usec at 184.16:45 UT. dUT (TAC2;REF) = 0.914 usec at 184.16:45 UT. WX/clear sky, sunny, no wind, no rain; Regards, Wettzell obs. ================================= t2126wz STOP ================================= 2018-07-04 18:00:18 t2126 Wettzell (wz), Stop-message Wettzell (wz) finished t2126 at scheduled time. All scans were recorded. WX/partly covered sky, no rain, no wind. Regards, Wettzell obs. ================================ t2126wz OTHER ================================= 2018-07-03 19:34:35 t2126, Wettzell (wz), Continue-message Wettzell (wz) coninues t2126 at scheduled time. WX/clear sky, sunny, no wind, no rain; Regards, Wettzell obs. ================================= t2126yg WIKI ================================= 2018-07-03 19:16:00 t2126 Yarragadee 12m Disk VSN: JOD-0024/2000 | Data volume at beginning: 0.00 GB 1730 UT: Experiment started OK (mas) ================================ t2126zc READY ================================= 2018-07-03 17:22:26 t2126 Zelenchukskaya Ready message Session t2126 ready message for Zelenchukskaya. First source  1546+027  at 17:30:00 UT. GPS-FMOUT: 3.105 microseconds. GPS-MASER: 2.889 microseconds. Wx: Temperature (C): 19, Pressure (mBar): 888, Humidity: 87. Sky Conditions: cloudy. Cable difference: - Pointing values: SEFD: (x/s)     Source     Az/El      Offset1      Offset2     300/-      3c218    237/13     -0.00193   -0.02703 Tsys(x/s): 85/160. Operator: Garkusha A. ================================ t2126zc START ================================= 2018-07-03 18:51:24 t2126 Zelenchukskaya Start message Session t2126 start message for Zelenchukskaya. Experement started 17:30:00, no problems. First source:  1546+027 at 178:30:00 UT. Operator: Garkusha A. ================================= t2126zc STOP ================================= 2018-07-04 16:39:42 t2126 Zelenchukskaya Stop message Session t2126 stop message for Zelenchukskaya. Zelenchukskaya ends t2126 at 16:38:57, observing 248. Scans from 185-1643 to 185-1726b missed due to participation in ri2418. Session t2126 were recorded on module IAAC-014. Operator: Ptitcin A. ================================================================================